Sustainable Housing Management in Bulgaria

Improving the capacity of homeowners associations of multi-family apartment buildings


Housing+ Foundation in cooperation with the Dutch housing associations Woondrecht and de Nieuwe Unie and the Bulgarian Housing Association implement the project ‘Sustainable Housing Management in Bulgaria. Improving the Capacity of Homeowners Associations of Multi-family Apartment Buildings’. The project is financed by MATRA Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The objectives of the project are to contribute to improving the management of residential multi-apartment buildings in Bulgaria by means of transfer of knowledge and the twinning with Dutch organisations. The key target groups in this project are homeowners, the homeowner associations of multi-apartment building as well as their associations. In addition, the project is implemented in collaboration with municipalities, maintenance and administration companies, and national government. A range of trainings of homeowners and homeowners associations have been already carried out. New approaches in organising and financing renovation projects have been developed, also contributing to improving the energy efficiency of the buildings. In November 2005 an International Seminar on sustainable housing management, maintenance and renovation has been held sharing experiences among countries in Central- and Eastern Europe. In February 2006 a National Round Table with public discussion on the new Draft Condominium Law has been initialized within the framework of the project. One of the major project results is the establishment of the Union of Homeowners Associations in Bulgaria (CAC). CAC has been presented as mission and main objectives on the conclusive dissemination seminar that has been organized in close cooperation with the municipality of Varna.

The CAC web-site has been kindly supported by the Matra Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands