Working Visit of the Founders of CAC


26-30 April 2006

Rotterdam-Dordrecht-the Hague, the Netherlands


The first working visit to the Netherlands of the founders and the Managing Board of the Union of Homeowners Associations in Bulgaria (CAC) has taken place in the end of April 2006 within the framework of the project ‘Sustainable Housing Management in Bulgaria. Improving the Capacity of Homeowners Associations of Multi-family Apartment Buildings’ implemented under the MATRA program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Bulgarian participants have been introduced to the experience of Dutch housing associations in the field of management, maintenance and renovation of condominium housing stock. A Declaration for collaboration between the Dutch housing association Woonbron and the Union of Homeowners Associations in Bulgaria (CAC) has been signed during the visit.


The CAC web-site has been kindly supported by the Matra Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands