Public Discussion on the Draft Condominium Law


National Round Table

22 February 2006

Sofia, Bulgaria


This round table has been organized by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of Republic of Bulgaria in collaboration with the Bulgarian Housing Association within the framework of the project ‘Sustainable Housing Management in Bulgaria. Improving the Capacity of Homeowners Associations of Multi-family Apartment Buildings’ implemented under the MATRA program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The main goal of the discussion has been to facilitate and speed up the process of creating and adopting of the Condominium Law that would support the development, strengthening and functioning of homeowners associations in Bulgaria in their efforts to improve the living conditions and environment in housing estates.




     Report from the National round table

The CAC web-site has been kindly supported by the Matra Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands