International Energy Poverty Action Week: what have we learned?

Sofia, 14 April 2023

Actions to tackle energy poverty are vital: although access to affordable and clean energy is a key sustainable development goal, about 3 billion people in the world do not have access to modern energy sources for cooking, heating or cooling their homes. At the end of February, the second edition of the International Energy Poverty Action Week (IEPAW) brought together different stakeholders in the field of energy poverty. What we have lerned.

CAC Centre for Sustainable Housing with a publication on the JUSTEM project

Sofia, 10 February 2023

The CAC Centre for Sustainable Housing with a publication about  #JUSTEM coming at the right time against a backdrop of turbulence in the just energy transition process in Europe. The project will become a living lab for the implementation of sustainable approaches to empower citizens from the coal regions to actively participate in the ongoing accelerated transformations and strategies for energy poverty alleviation. Publication.

New publication under JUSTEM project

Sofia, 24 January 2023

The transformation of the Polish city of Katowice - from a city of mining and heavy industry to a city of the future. Which are the European coal regions in transition? What does a "just transition" mean? What deadlines for the phased closure of coal plants have European countries declared? You can read about these things in the article by Dr. Diana Zusser - coordinator of the  #JUSTEM project.  

Seven European countries unite for a just energy transition where coal is still king

At the #SilesianMuseum in Katowice, Poland, we launched the #JUSTEM project funded by the #EULife programme. Press release.

Sofia, 22 December 2022

CAC Centre for Sustainable Housing started working on the implementation of JUSTEM project

Sofia, 1 November 2022

The CAC Centre for Sustainable Housing started working on the implementation of the JUSTEM - JUStice in Transition and Empowerment against energy poverty project, funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Commission. The project aims to build regional capacity and involve citizens in the development of regional energy and climate plans to facilitate policy making and equitable transition planning by increasing the use of sustainable energy solutions.

National Stakeholders' Meeting for Bulgaria

Sofia, 2 February 2020

CAC Center for Sustainable Housing organised the final national stakeholders' meeting to discuss the results for Bulgaria of the Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy study on the impacts of policies to decarbonise residential buildings on energy poverty in  Southerm Central and Eastern Europe and mitigation strategies financed by the European Climate Foundation.

САС Center for Sustainable Housing joins a common declaration

Sofia, 20 December 2021

CAC Center for Sustainable Housing joins the declaration of 13 non-governmental organisations, business associations and experts proposing 13 urgent legislative, financial, technical and communication measures to change and activate the national policies in the building sector, expressing readiness to support their detailed development and implementation.

New report on the state of energy poverty in Bulgaria

Sofia, 1 March 2021

Within the POWERPOOR project under the EU Horizon 2020 programme, a report on the state of energy poverty in the country Bulgaria. Baseline Assessment Report was prepared by a team of the Bulgarian partner Sofia Energy Agency - SOFENA with authors Eng. Dr. Zdravko Georgiev, Dr. Eleonora Gaydarova and Eng. Dr. Nadia Nikolova.

САС Center for Sustainable Housing has become a member of the Liaison Group of POWERPOOR project 

Sofia, 25 February 2021

POWERPOOR Project aims to develop support programmes for energy poor citizens and encourage the use of alternative financing schemes in order to alleviate enrgy poverty in Bulgaria. The participants in the Liaison Group will have the tasks to contribute to the implementation of the project activities and to the dissemination of project results.

CAC Center for Sustainable Housing has participated in the IV National Housing Forum

Sofia, 27 January 2021

The IV National Housing Forum "Overcoming the housing and energy poverty - a prerequisite for achieving the Sustaibale Development Goals"organised by Habitat Bulgaria and Coalition "Decent Home", focuses on the mitigation of housing and energy poverty in Bulgaria.

CAC has joined Habitat for Humanity and partner organisations accross Europe and supports the petition ПРОМЕНИ ЧИСЛАТА! Нека спрем жилищната криза.

CAC has participated in the III National Housing Forum

Sofia, 9-10 April 2020

The Third National Housing Forum, organised by Habitat Bulgaria and CEGA Foundation, focuses on housing policies and the renovation of poor neighbourhoods.

CAC Chair has participated in China-EU Sustainable and Green Urbanisation Symposium in Zhongshan

Zhongshan, 21-22 November 2017

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences CASS and Joint Programming Initiative JPI Urban Europe organised a symposium for scholars and experts on cities. The event took place in Zhongshan, China, on 21-22 November 2017. The objective of the event was establishing partnerships for future R&D activities. Over 20 presentations and group discussions elaborated topics covering urban green, economic growth, transportation and Smart Cities. The presentation of Dr. Eleonora Gaydarova focused on the collaborative urban practices of making things together and how different stakeholders can be aligned around urban development initiatives for mutual gains and integrated design solutions.

Presentation of the Report on the Urban Environment of the Central Part of Sofia

Sofia, 4 October 2017

In Hall 5 of Sofia Municipality was presented the report on the state of urban environment of the central part of Sofia. The report is a fact thanks to one-year collaboration with the team of the Danish urbanist Prof. Jan Gehl who will advise Sofia Municipality on the creation of a strategy for the development of public spaces in the city center.

CAC has participated in the opening of the renovated building of the homeowners' association "Ladovitsa 56"

Pernik, 27 September 2017

On 27 September 2017 the opening of the renovated multi-family building of “Ladovitsa 56” homeowners' association took place. The fifteen-storey residential building was renovated within the framework of the National Energy Efficiency Program in Multi-family Residential Buildings and achieved a class “B” of energy consumption. “Ladovitsa 56” homeowners’ association actively participated in the whole process of the energy renovation and also contributed with its own funds for the improvement of the common spaces around the building.

CAC has participated in the 9th Baltic Housing Conference "Sustainable living environment: best practices in housing"

Tallinn, 14 September 2017

The 9th Baltic Housing Conference takes place in September 14, 2017 and provides space for discussions on best practices in the EU for improving the living environment. It aims to enhance cooperation between housing organisations from the EU, Ukraine and Belarus. The event takes place under the auspices of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference is organized by the Estonian of Co-operative Housing Associations in cooperation with HOUSING EUROPE – The Federation for Public, Cooperative and Social Housing. CAC presentation “Energy renovation of housing towards sustainable living environment” summarizes the process of energy renovation of multi-family residential buildings in Bulgaria.

CAC gets involved in COST Action "European Energy Poverty: Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge Innovation" (ENGAGER)

Sofia, July 2017

COST Action "European Energy Poverty: Agenda Co-Creation and Knowledge Innovation” aims to transform the extent and depth of knowledge about energy poverty in Europe. It generates a step change in how energy poverty is theorised, detected and addressed by establishing multidisciplinary collaborations at the nexus of several domains in which energy poverty has been treated separately to date - energy and housing studies, economics, sociology and political science.

CAC has become a member of the Coalition "Decent Home" 

Sofia, November 2014

The Coalition for the improvement of the housing conditions in Bulgaria "Decent Home" is an informal union of equal organisations led by the common will, position and ideas to provide better housing conditions in Bulgaria.

CAC gets involved in  - A global multidisciplinary network on housing research and learning

Sofia, 10 September 2013

The global interdisciplinary network for housing research and training starts its activity on September 1, 2013. The main goal is to establish an international platform for collaboration in stauduing the contemporary housing from global and interdisciplinary perspective.

The Project 3E-HOUSES - Implementation and Results

Sofia, 10 May 2013

The aim of the project 3E-HOUSES is to decrease the costs for energy and water in condominium buildings of social type through the use of smart meatering equipment installed in the buildings. There are two pilot buildings within the project frame followed by two subsequent project replicas, which have managed to avoid the problems occurred during the first installations on the basis of a critical analysis of their results.

International seminar "Financing Energy Efficiency: a practical guide for policymakers"

Brussels, 6 November 2012

E3G ( in cooperation with BPIE ( organised an international seminar entitled “Financing Energy Efficiency: a practical guide for policymakers”. It took place on November 6th 2012 at the Permanent Representation of Cyprus in Brussels. The seminar took a very practical look at some of the more innovative large scale financial instruments developed to date and assess the challenges involved in securing different sources of finance (public and private) for energy efficiency investments. Bulgaria was presented with the experience of BHA and CAC in developing the bottom-up project initiatives to meet the national energy efficiency targets, and to support the role that national government can play in creating an enabling environment to allow investment to flow.

The Project BG161РО001-1.2.01-0001 „Energy Renovation of Bulgarian Homes"

Sofia, 1 July 2012

The project “Energy renovation of Bulgarian Homes" is implemented with the financial support of Operative Program" Regional Development "2007 - 2013, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The project covers 36 urban centers and lasts three years (2012-2015).

CAC has participated in the national conference "Tools for Local Sustainable Energy Development"

Sofia, 9 May 2012

The conference was organised by Sofia Energy Agency SOFENA in the great hall of Sofia Municipality. Within the conference were lectured topics related to sustainable energy development at the local level, assessment of the buildings and the possibilities of its renewal, energy management, education, citizen involvement and other topical issues. There were two parallel sessions - one dedicated to the creation of policies to move towards a nearly zero energy buildings and presentation of application software for auditing of buildings and training buildings, and the other dedicated to the technical solutions for intelligent management of district heating in buildings.

International conference on social affordable housing in Armenia

Erevan, 22 March 2012

The first international conference on social affordable houisng in Armenia was organised by the Social Housing Foundation and the National Social Housing Association within the framework of a MATRA project. The conference was attended by housing experts from the Netherlands, Armenia, Bulgaria, Romania and Montenegro. Bulgaria was represented by the Bulgarian Housing Association.

CAC has participated in coordination partners' meeting

Bucharest, 24-25 March 2011

The meeting was attended by Woonbron Housing Corporation, the Netherlands, HAL Habitat, Romania, Social Housing Foundation, Armenia, Bulgarian Housing Association and Union of Homeowners Associaitons, Bulgaria. The meeting focussed on the main topics related to the introduction of social housing organizations in Bulgaria, Romania and Armenia, the representation of interests of homeowners’ associations in Bulgaria and Romania, the institutional development of CAC learning from HAL Habitat, getting the professional management of condominiums on the ground and training programes for HOA managers.

CAC has supported large scale energy efficient renovation of condominiums

Sofia, 8-11 Fabruary 2011

CAC supports SHELTER project that is focused on the elaboration of a proper scale of condominium renovation activities in Bulgaria by analyzing the existing renovation activities combined with discovering the bottlenecks for the process and by creating the working models applicable to future large scale renovation activities. SHELTER project will contribute by attuning the legal and institutional characteristics and requirements of different national and EU programmes and instruments, and finally, by strengthening the cooperation between the stakeholders involved.


САС has participated in the national seminar for professionals in construction industry

Sofia, 26 January 2011

The National seminar is organized by the Energy Efficiency Agency. The main topic of the working program is to discuss the undertaking of CO2 reduction measures for the renovation of residential buildings of different ownership type. The emphasis is on removing the main difficulty for the homeowners in regard to the access to reliable professional supplier and contractor of contemporary energy products and services.

САС has participated in international ESCO seminar

Sofia, 11 June 2010

The main topic of the international working meeting organized by Bulgarian Housing Association and with the participation of experts from France, Great Britain, Italy and Bulgaria is the financing of the energy efficient renovation of mass condominium housing as well as the feasibility of the implementation of ESCO contracts for the implementation of renovation projects.

MRDPW has opened the public tender for the selection of project managers

Sofia, 24 February 2012

The documentation for the public tender with subject: Selection of project managers for the project „Energy Renovation of Bulgarian Homes under a scheme for free financial aid BG161PO001/1.2-01/2011 „Support for the energy efficiency of multi-family residential buildings” within the Operational Program Regional Development 2007-2013.

САС has started the practical realization of ICE-WISH project

Sofia, 17 November 2011

САС identified the pilot building for the practical realization of ICE-WISH project.

CAC has supported the renovation of condominium buildings in Oborishte district municipality

Sofia, 19 October 2011

CAC supported the successful energy renovation of condominium buildings in Oborishte district municipality by working with the local community and the homeowners associations.


CAC has participated in LenvA training

Sofia, 6 March 2010

The Dutch consultancy company LenvA organized a capacity building session on the main success factors in applying for EU grants and subsidies for urban renewal projects. The training panels additionally focused on the organization and management of urban renewal programs and projects as well as on the provision of an active civil society participation of the residents from the neighborhoods in process of urban regeneration.

CAC has participated in the national housing seminar The Future of Bulgarian Mass Housing

Sofia, 5 March 2010

The Bulgarian Housing Association together with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works organized a national housing seminar with international participation and main focus on the energy efficient renovation and management of the existing condominium housing buildings and the opportunities for the provision of social rental housing in Bulgaria. The experts from the Dutch housing corporation Woonbron presented their longstanding tradition and experience in social housing and together with the Bulgarian Housing Association analyzed the prerequisites for the establishment of social housing organization in Bulgaria as main provider of rental social housing options.

The closing ceremony of the Urban Regeneration Project at Sofia Municipality - Oborishte District

Sofia, 16 December 2009

The official closing ceremony of the project The Making, Implementation and Execution of an Urban Regeneration Plan took place on 18 December 2009 at Sofia Municipality – Oborishte District. The meeting was hosted by Ms. Penka Armenkova, Mayor of Oborishte District, and was attended by representatives of the Dutch housing corporation Woonbron, the Bulgarian Housing Association, the Union of Homeowners’ Associations in Bulgaria, the Residents’ Platform EcoCulture and the members of the project team. The elaborated Plan for Urban Regeneration of the pilot housing estate Poduene Centre (quarter 166) was presented to the Mayor of Oborishte District who expressed the political commitment to proceed further the implementation and execution of the plan. 

For more information click here

CAC has participated in working meeting at the Minsitry of Regional Development and Public Works

Sofia, 9 December 2009

A working group for solving the existing problems in the national housing policy and the energy efficiency in housing will be established in January 2010 at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. This was announced during the working meeting on the topic of ‘Quality performance of housing renovation projects aimed to increase their energy efficiency’. 

For more information click here

Establishment of the National Platform Power House Bulgaria

Sofia, December 2009

The Union of Homeowners' Associations participates as a member of the National Platform Power House Bulgaria aimed to to meet the need for coordinated action to tackle the urgent issue of introduction of energy saving measures in residential sector.

For more information: click here

First two buildings have been approved under EBRD project

Sofia, November 2009

Two condominiums in Sofia (18, KBojikov Street) and Pazardzik (19, DDebelianov) are approved for financing under REECL project line of EBRD for collective renovation.

For more information click here 

CAC has participated in public discussion 'Neighbourhoods on the Edge' within Sofia Architecture Week

Sofia, 4 November 2009

After the end of communism the plattenbau city suburbs of Bulgaria turned into a laboratory for the transformation from a centralised state system to an often wild capitalism. The confrontation between private interest (capitalism) and public space (communism) led to a different way of functioning of Bulgaria’s suburbs. The private initiative that appeared subsequently seemed odd to these suburbs, especially to the wide open green spaces that they provided in abundance. City planning from communist times seems inappropriate for today’s conditions, it suffers the irresponsibility of its inhabitants. Ideas are needed to breathe new life to the city concrete suburbs. Proposal are necessary to suggest new ways of use of the buildings, the shared utilities, the balconies, the parking and open spaces.

Energy Globe Awards 2009

Sofia, September 2009

The Bulgarian Housing Association has been awarded with the National Globe Award '09 for the achievements in the project Energy Efficient Renovation of Condominium Buildings. In the framework of the project it was created the first homeowners' association in Bulgaria that was aimed to guarantee the successful management of the renovated building and became a co-founder of the Union of Homeowners' Associations.

For more information click here

CАС has participated in the elaboration of the Unified National Code for Renovation of Buildings

Sofia, July 2009

САС was assigned to participate in the creation of the Unified National Code for Renovation of Buildings. The handbook will contain a system of norms, rules and procedures for the regulation and management of the process for the integrated renovation of buildings in accordance with the national housing policy.

CAC has participated in a working meeting 'Energy Efficiency in Condominium Buildings'

Sofia, 27 May 2009

CAC participates in a working meeting ‘Energy Efficiency in Condominium Buildings’, which is organized by Black See Regional Energy Center, Sofia Energy Agency and Bulgarian Housing Association.

CAC has been involved in the establishment of a National Platform for Energy Efficiency

Sofia, May 2009

The Union of Homeowners’ Associations is actively involved as a cofounder in the establishment of the National Platform for Energy Efficiency in the Housing Sector, which is realized within the framework of the international project Power House Europe financed under the program Intelligent Energy Europe of the European Commission.

For more information click here


САС has supported the establishment of the Residents' Platform "Ecocultura"

Sofia, 11 May 2009

In the framework of the project "The Making, Implementation and Execution of an Urban Regeneration Plan" the Union of Homeowners' Associations supported the establishment of a Residents' Platform "Ecocultura" which is a pioneer civil society initiative for the active involvement of residents from Oborishte District in the preparation of an urban regeneration plan.

For more information click here

CAC has participated in a Round Table 'PROs and CONTRAs the Partial Housing Renovation'

Sofia, 7 April 2009

The Union of Homeowners’ Associations has participated in a Round Table ‘PROs and CONTRAs the Partial Housing Renovation’ initiated by the Association for Renovation of Multifamily Buildings in order to discuss the necessary integrated actions to support the process of the large scale renovation of condominium buildings summarized in the adopted common declaration.

CAC has participated in EBRD project

Sofia, 3 February 2009

The Union of Homeowners' Associations is involved in the implementation of the EBRD project ‘Assistance with the instigation of refurbishment of multi-storey condominium buildings’ that is aimed to support the owners of condominium apartments to renovate their buildings with subsidized loans.

For more information click here

Adoption of the new Condominium Law

Sofia, 26 January 2009

The new Condominium Law was adopted by the Parliament of Republic of Bulgaria and published in the State Gazette in its issue No. 6 from 23 January 2009. The law regulates the establishment and overall functioning of the homeowners’ associations as well as the process of management and maintenance of existing and newly built condominiums.

For more information click here

Urban Regeneration in Bulgaria

Sofia, 18 December 2008

The Union of Homeowners’ Associations has started its participation in the implementation of the project “The Making, Implementation and Execution of an Urban Regeneration Plan” in cooperation with the Dutch housing association Woonbron, the Bulgarian Housing Association and Oborishte District of Sofia Municipality.

For more information click here

National Round Table 'Two years later'

Sofia, 30 November 2007

The annual National Round Table ‘Two years later’ of the Union of Homeowners’ Associations in Bulgaria took place on 30 November 2007 in Sofia. The event focussed on the need for improvement of the collaboration between different stakeholders in the complex process of the housing renovation and urban regeneration in Bulgaria. 

For more information click here

Urban Regeneration in Romania

Bucharest, 1-2 November 2007

A delegation from the Union of Homeowners' Associations in Bulgaria participated in the International Seminar that was organised by the League of Homeowners Associations Habitat in cooperation Woonbron and Foundation Housing +. The seminar was part of the implementation of a MATRA project.

For more information click here

International Study Visit to the Johannesburg Housing Company

Johannesburg, 21-27 October 2007

For more information click here 

Preparation of the first pannel building for renovation

Sofia, May 2007

After the completion of the overall preparation in creating homeowners’ association, training on housing renovation and issuing energy audit, CAC is in procedure of providing targeted financing for the renovation of this panel condominium building

Participation of CAC in IV Baltic Housing Conference

Tallinn, 19 April 2007

For more information click here

Participation of CAC in CECODHAS conference Social Housing - A Tool for Social Cohesion

Brussels, 2 February 2007

For more information click here

Meeting with Habitat for Humanity Foundation

Sofia, 30 January 2007

Both parties discussed the opportunities for future cooperation in the field of housing renovation for handicapped people as well as the capacity of CAC to support the work on the institutional development of homeowners associations and the necessary trainings of homeowners

First energy audit of panel apartment building in Bulgaria

Sofia, 12 January 2007

For more information click here

New assistant of САС

Sofia, 7 January 2007

Since the beginning of Januray CAC has a new assistant who is going to work with homeowners and homeowners associations within the frame of the approved three years woring program

Approved budget for housing renovation subsidies

Sofia, December 2006

National Parliament has approved budget of three million lev for subsidies to support the implementation of pilot project under the already started National Housing Renovation Program in Republic of Bulgaria

Continuation of cooperation

Sofia, November 2006

For more information click here  

Successful finalisation of MATRA project

Sofia, 30 October 2006

Housing+ Foundation in cooperation with the Dutch housing associations Woondrecht and de Nieuwe Unie and the Bulgarian Housing Association successfully finalized the work on the project ‘Sustainable Housing Management in Bulgaria. Improving the Capacity of Homeowners Associations of Multi-family Apartment Buildings’ financed by MATRA Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Approved Working Program of CAC

Sofia, 27 October 2006

For more information click here

Residents University 2006

Birmingham, 13-16 September 2006

The information is already published click here

The National Housing Renovation Program in Republic of Bulgaria has started

Sofia, 21 July 2006

For more information click here

Visit of delegation from Residents for Regeneration - Europe (R4R)

Sofia, 28-30 June 2006

The results from the visit are already published click here

Dissemination seminar

Varna, 23 June 2006

The results from the seminar are already published click here

Working visit to the Netherlands

Rotterdam-Dordrecht-the Hague, 26-30 April 2006

The results from the visit are already published click here

Public discussion on the Draft Condominium Law

National round table

Sofia, 22 February 2006

The results from the National round table are already published click here

Renovation and sustainable management of condominium housing buildings

Role of homeowners and homeowners associations

Sofia, 17-18 November 2005

Reports and proceedings from the seminar are already published click here

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The CAC web-site has been kindly supported by the Matra Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands