International Study Visit to JHC


21-27 October 2007

Johannesburg, South Africa


The International Study Visit to the Johannesburg Housing Company, winner of World Habitat award for 2006, has been organized and fully financed by the Building and Social Housing Foundation from Great Britain. The Union of Homeowners' Associations in Bulgaria has been invited to join the international team of participants to visit the project of the Johannesburg Housing Company that has won the World Habitat award for 2006. The work of Johannesburg Housing Company (JHC) involves the development and adaptive re-use of city-centre buildings to deliver mixed-tenure, affordable rental housing whilst acting as a trigger for the regeneration of the surrounding area. CAC has been presented as organization, activities and partnerships.


The CAC web-site has been kindly supported by the Matra Programme of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands